How To Treat Lipomas
Lipomas are small, clumps of fatty tissue in a thin capsule that tend to grow under the skin and above layers of muscle. They are generally found on the trunk of the body or nearby on the limbs. They grow very slowly. Although they are sometimes painful, they are not cancerous and should not be a cause for concern.
Causes of Lipoma
Science has not determined a cause for the development of lipomas. They tend to occur in individuals between the ages of 40 and 60. Genetic factors appear to play a part because lipomas often run in families. Lipomas often occur in patients with certain types of diseases.
Symptoms of a Lipoma for Calabasas Patients
Dermatologists can diagnose a lipoma by a number of characteristics:
- Lipomas are usually located just under the skin of the neck, shoulders, arms, abdomen, back or thighs.
- Lipomas are generally small in size, often less than 2 inches in diameter.
- Lipomas feel soft and doughy, moving easily with slight pressure.
- Lipomas usually cause no problems, but they can become painful when they grow large enough to press on adjacent nerves or have many blood vessels.
How Our Dermatologists Diagnose a Lipoma
Our certified dermatologists will do a general physical examination and may remove some fluid from the mass to be analyzed at a laboratory. In some cases, the physician may order an MRI or ultrasound to determine the status of the tissue inside the growth.
Treatment for Lipoma in Southern California
Many lipomas require no treatment. They are not cancerous and do not cause any discomfort. However, if the location of a lipoma is troublesome, the physician can remove the lump in the office. In some cases, the physician will inject a steroid medication to shrink it. Lipomas can also be removed by liposuction, a procedure in which the fatty tissue is removed from inside the capsule.
Lipomas are a common problem that causes lumps under the skin as people get older. If you live in the Calabasas area and you suspect a soft mass that might be a lipoma, contact the Calabasas Dermatology Center to make an appointment to discuss your problem and possible treatments.