Lose Facial Fat with Laser Resurfacing
Laser resurfacing is a rejuvenating cosmetic facial treatment used to promote a fresh and youthful glow. This treatment focuses primarily on stimulating the top layer of the skin, which signals the re-growth of a new layer of healthy skin cells. A new top layer of skin is formed and the recipient experiences cosmetic benefits, such as a healthy glow and tighter, younger looking skin.
Laser resurfacing offers a beneficial cosmetic treatment that activates a renewed glow and appearance, but there are some risks that should be considered. The risks that take place may extend past the epidermis and into the next layers of the skin. This may result in the loss of fat volume.
The Process
Laser resurfacing is designed to destroy fat cells and to create tighter, youthful skin. Fat volume loss occurs in laser resurfacing when the laser triggers a process called apoptosis. Radiofrequency, laser and CoolSculpting are used to destroy excess fat cells and when this damage is severe enough, it triggers apoptosis. This process is ultimately cell death. Apoptosis occurs when the fat cell damage created during the treatment is great enough to spread Damage Associated Molecular Pattern Molecules (DAMPS) to fat surrounding cells, and these injured cells then release these damaging molecules to other cells.
The Benefits
Laser resurfacing treatments are successfully used by dermatologists to destroy the top layers of skin. This instigates a re-growth process, and the results are seen in added shine and beauty to the skin. To learn more about the benefits of laser resurfacing, schedule your consultation today.