Treatments for Facial Redness & Rosacea
Rosacea is a skin condition noted by small, visible or broken blood vessels and red bumps which cause facial redness of the skin. At times, patients may believe they have rosacea when they suffer another skin condition that can also secondarily cause redness—such as acne. That it why it is critical to see a board-certified dermatologist for a correct diagnosis of your skin condition. Self-diagnosing is not recommended as the chance of misdiagnosing your skin’s condition is rather high. Some patients experience recurrent rosacea or flare ups of the condition. The condition can be affected and exacerbated by external factors including the weather and diet such as spicy foods.
There is no “cure” for rosacea but our office offers practical and effective treatments to reduce redness, swelling and inflammation of the skin, especially on the face. The ultimate goal is to reduce the visibility of blood vessels. Several treatments performed to combat the aesthetic appearance of rosacea include laser therapy called intense pulsed light therapy. Intense pulsed light therapy works by shooting short bursts of intense light at the skin, without damaging nearby tissue. This form of laser therapy also corrects blemishes, dark spots, pigmentation and more. Click here to learn more about this treatment method.
Also, microdermabrasion may be performed as a subsequent treatment or in conjunction with the intense pulsed light treatment to replenish the facial skin cells while rejuvenating your skin.